Saturday, 28 February 2015

Dear Mama,

I am sorry for having mentioned you in comments unheard yesterday, while helping a friend move... I do not know why it is we humans feel the need to react & respond to absolutely everything... one of the first rules is non-reaction... IN fact I know it is what Buddha taught and this is something further exploration would benefit from.

I am sorry I caved and made a comment about you keeping things longer than (I feel) they need to be kept for (I don't know what goes on in your mind or in your heart and I understand there is a reason for everything, alike to that there must be a reason you hang on to all that you do and I really have no right to say anything at all).

A few points here:

ONe; detachment, again a Buddhist principle, taught and retaught... maybe I should reteach this to myself, as I do need it.
tWO; once you let go... FREEdOM. ONce you let go you open doors to allow new things to enter. Instead of allowing the old to persist you invite for new things to come into your life experience and this is a wonderful thing.

I personally, try to purge constantly... that is, get rid of things that no longer serve my experience (at the time). It is a practice that helps, as it minimizes clutter and aids in having fewer things, a cleaner space, both mindfully and physically.

Bottom line here is that I am sorry, I didn't mean to talk ill of you at all. I love you and I love that you are who you are because it's caused me to create the Being I am today. I am grateful for you, for that, yes, yet absolutely so much more!!!

My friend is German, and you have German roots too, so maybe it is something that is cultural, given the periods of time Ancestors saw... who knows the origins of why we do the things we do... we do them... perhaps letting things lay and be still is a good thing! :)

Alright the Sun is shining nice and bright on this last day of February, looks like its going to be a beautiful day today!

Go out and make it one!

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