Saturday 21 December 2013

Today is one of those days where you haven't gotten enough sleep, so you are going stir crazy and veering on the side of delirium, if not already there.

Back up a few hours ago.... I went to sleep at around 1:30 in the morning, only to wake up a few- not even about an 1:45 minutes later to the sound of my brother puking...... WONDERFUL..... Today is the day of the Winter Solstice.... I feel a tonne of energy bouncing around in my body..... I really do need to take that walk, or RUN, just RUN, anywhere, probably to my favourite tree.

I'm furious that things are/ have not.... been appearing to work themselves out.... for me, in my life... but the thing I need to keep in mind is that things are exactly as they need to be.... I am experiencing a slump in my life, because it's time that I really reflect... GO WITHIN and see what's there for re-creating & co-creating.

I'm upset that it feels like I'm alone.... But I've decided that the best thing I can do for myself, is go meditate, meditate with my trEE and so that is where you can find me.... the place where all seems unclear and everything is demystified and made to be crystal clear!!!

BoooYA. I'm done with these feelings of victimization!

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