Saturday 29 June 2013

true Breath is PURE

Today was such a beautiful day. Whole and complete. I met some beautiful souls. Reconnected with some from my past and bought some things that spoke to my soul through my heart. Such beauty and grace and LOVE. mmmhmmmmm. breathe that in!

I liberated two Carnelian stones from the local crystal and stone healing place I usually go to find them. Such precious pieces. Carnelian is one of the HAPPY stones, and it is no wonder I have been drawn to it's energy the past week, the past few weeks have been incredible, with bad days of course, but for the most part... I have been unstoppable happy and incredibly joyous, for the simple reason that I can and thatThe Sugilite I have in the pouch of stones I carry with me daily, has been calling me for a reason.... hmmmmm. Breathe that in. Beautiful.

Friday 28 June 2013

This is what happened today....

Sometimes it's so hard.... Like today.

I was so looking forward to seeing Ted* and I didn't. I had a feeling I wouldn't though because well, I had a feeling. Murphy's Law, when you'd like/need something it's no where to be found, but when you would not like/ do not need it, it's available everywhere.

It's so hard, because I'd like to find a picture of him and just look at it, so I can see him. But, I'm not going to creep. I'm going to contain my curiosity about this Gorgeous human being for a little longer. Until I can get to know him IN PERSON, as it needs to be.

It's hard also, in trying to keep other peoples' judgements of you at bay, or to simply be carefree about them. Today, the only co-worker that knows I like and have a SUPER crush on a customer, made me almost feel badly for saying, "I was looking forward to seeing him". I caught myself though, why should I feel bad? two things.... ONE. I shouldn't do or feel any other way than what I do feel and that is.... attracted to this beautiful soul that has had my attention since the first day I laid my big beautiful brown eyes on him... even through my thinking I liked Daren*... Ted* has always been one I look forward to seeing. He is a regular customer, a cute, friendly, regular customer. My attraction toward him has increased.... Considerably. Anyways, back to the two things.... so I shouldn't do or feel any other way than I do. TWO. feelings are Important. They allow us outlets for self expression and self growth. They help us in releasing whatever it is that is going on inside us, so why waste such an expression on negativity, feeling badly? why not feel great? INCREDIBLE, JOYOUS. EXCITED, WILD. ENERGETIC. LOVE.

Even in me saying... "it's so hard".... Yes, life is challenging at times, sometimes frequently, more-so than we would like, but that is what totally makes it worthwhile in LIVING. The Satisfaction one gets in overcoming ALL challenges.

My horoscope for the day was so beautiful and after reading it prior to and after my day... Helps to put things in perspective for me....

Courtesy of Phil BoothStars. "As long as you don’t allow your feelings to sink into the quicksand of fear, your difficulties will serve you well by making you more determined and resolute. Mercury is planting the seeds of a plan in your mind. They will quickly grow and blossom into a process that will inspire you to go out and begin a new adventure."

I feel like I am veering on discouragement with Ted* because this past week I have only worked three shifts and have not been at the cafe, most days to see him. And I feel like I cannot function....  But according to my horoscope I need not fall into the barrels of fear quicksand. I will be the opposite of fearful... I will be BRAVE, PATIENT, COURAGEOUS. And I will be GENEROUSLY rewarded, effortlessly and easily from the UNIVERSE by what will ensue with Ted*. :)

Here are some other things...

I did happen to see one of my other regular customers who is taking a course in the Image Arts building and working on a filming project. I was so excited to see at least one of my favoured regulars that I charged her incorrectly.... I charged her less. Oops, it'll be our secret. But money is money and funnily enough I was thinking of a way to charge her less. It turned out to work, but technically it should be coming out of my pocket - There is that word again, should. Hmmm, I need to create a challenge for myself and not use that word, Should and it's sister, Could and brother, Would.

Oh and this one incident, hit me to the VERY core of my being.... There was this smoker that decided to put out his cigarette on a tree. A baby tree at that. On our University campus. HOW DARE HE!!!!!!!!!! ANd I felt like Pheobe from friends when she asks that guy to apologize to the tree because I did this too. People think they can get away with the most cruel and senseless acts.... HA, Not on my watch. I was furious and I showed it. But hopefully the experience taught him to THINK before he acts.

Boom. I'm out. I'm going to find something to watch.  And then hit the hay and dream about the Dream Boat Man, Ted*.  That is a Beauty of an idea. :)

Bon Nuit.

* name altered


I am on a high right now I absolutely have so much energy, excitement, love, and happiness.

It feels like I can soar as high as Eagle and Hawk. :)

It's such an exhilarating feeling.

Thursday 27 June 2013


Avia Venefica is so wonderful, I trust her words of wisdom. TRUST. Breath that in.

TRUST the Universe and TRUST that you are on your own UNIQUELY DEVINE path.

Going to hit the hay.


so eXcitED, so veRY eXcitED!!!!

Back here after a couple hours... I feel absolutely exhilarated. My facebook status reads, "too eXcitED for TOO maNY thiNGs, I hoPe I will be able to sleep tonight!! " Breath that in.  I am absolutely EXCITED for tomorrow because I get to see Ted*, finally give him a piece of chocolate I have saved for him in my bag for a few days. EXCITED... I am going to be calling my new boss after my shift tomorrow for my current job and talk to her about hours for this weekend. EXCITED!!!!! I am ordering a box on etsy that has a symbol on it, that my friend shared with me, meaning.... "all Universal energy direct here." EXCITED. I talked to my dad, like actually had a conversation with him today on the phone... it made me so ecstatically happy that I am speechless for words in how to describe my feelings.... EXCITED.

Everything is falling into place. Everything is as it should be. Life is absolutely so BEaUtiful.... Breath that in!

Also, and this comes back to the Ted* situation a little bit.... I found a personal ad on craigslist from a guy who is crushing on a girl and doesn't know what to do... here let me find it, and share it....  HERE it is

Secret Crush - m4w

I've have a crush on this wonderful girl going on for about 4 months now. I keep getting mixed signals from her when we are together and when we chat. I haven't fell so hard for a girl since I was in public school. It was always easy for me to talk and go out with pretty girls but there is just something in everything about her that makes me scared to make a move. I feel like I'm going crazy. I can't sleep properly, I worry about her, I feel like sharing things that go on in my life with her, and I just can't stop thinking about her. I want to take care of her, go on adventures with her, and eventually marry her. It must be love or I'm going insane.

I sent an email with my actual address saying the following...

"It is Love. Go for it.
This is your sign!!! :)"

And it felt incredible.... I take this as a sign for myself too, because this is my EXACT situation with Ted*.... Breath that in... Mhhhhmmmmmmm.

Here I am, sharing, sharing, sharing and so those are my things to be THANKFUL for and EXCITED about.... YES, yes, YES, YES, YES, YES!

Another thing... SIX. Six has been showing up in my life a lot lately. From my favourite quick reference site for symbols and signs, which are EVERYWHERE- we just have to find them,

Six: The symbolism behind number Six is legend. With Venus as its ruler, Six represents harmony, balance, sincerity, LOVE and truth. Six naturally reveals solutions for us in a calm, unfolding manner. We invoke the Six when we need delicate diplomacy when dealing with sensitive matters. The spiritual meaning of number Six also deals with enlightenment; specifically "lighting" our path in areas we require spiritual and mental balance. Sixes beckon us to administer compassion and consciously choose forgiveness in a situation

*name altered


Sometimes I feel I divulge too much of my life with you and you not the same with me.... It hurts. We are sisters we need to be close. And I get that you are still in the certain mental space that you are, which may or may not permit you to welcome me into your life, but patience..... some days it's really hard.....What I'd like to ask is why it takes so long? (for a lot of things, but for now) Why does it take so long for you to come back to the open sister that I know?

I know it's a long shot for having such a request- an expectation, especially since, you are working on not being so open, yet I am lost at trying to understand why it is okay for others to be open with their life, what they buy, what they do in a day and the same is not applied to you????

I love you sis, but sometimes I need to know that you are there to be the talking kindred spirit that I know you are. Yes, in this society we have been conditioned yet again and accustomed to people talking, talking and talking that when there is silence, it is deemed awkward, or unwelcomed. There is a time and a place though I feel and when it comes to relationships... aLL sORts, siblings, friends, lovers/partners, it is ALWAYS a two way street.

It seemed like when I was sharing my day with you and then asked how yours was you mentioned one thing and got up and left the room... somewhat leaving me out on a cliff, wondering if you were going to come back and share more, or if that was it... Looks like it was the latter and I just got left out on the cliff to pull myself back up like I usually do. Breath that in. Strength and Power.


On an entirely new note.. Absolutely excited for tomorrow. two days off and I get to see Ted*. :)

* name changed

Monday 24 June 2013


Ted* is his name.... and he told me, after being first interested in learning my name.... "Teddy like the bear"**. what a perfect day to end the way..... woops, I'm mesmerized.... perfect day... perfect way to end the day. :) Smiling all the way home. Best customer ever!

* name altered

** phrase slightly different from the original one.

Sunday 23 June 2013

The Weekend that I have had at my leisure....

Or so I would like to say, but truth be told. I have worked all weekend. I'm not exactly tired, I was earlier, but I am anticipating tomorrow. So, for that, I am excited because it means that after three days off, two days working, and five days without seeing my new crush... Dream Boat Man.

I can finally say that I will see him Monday and that is something for sure, to look forward.  :)

Today felt like Sunday, yet didn't. It was a weird day and that's okay.... I fully acknowledge and accept it.

I feel like I haven't written anything in a few days and so perhaps I am just filling space with this stuff, but you know... if the key fits, why not explore what's beyond the door it opens.

Speaking of which, I recently got a wind of some valuable information....  by one of my new favourite people in my life, my new boss.... Her and I were talking a little bit about the males in our lives and I shared the Dream Boat Man, and she lead me in the direction of asking for his name, I mean looking at this guy, first I was.... Not only speechless but floored and completely taken. He is the highlight of my day, when I see him.... and he is such a sweet heart, which makes the experience of looking at him that much more enjoyable. Breath that in. The thing too is his presence and knowing I will see him has partly drastically changed my mood for the better... as it is always pure bliss when one has something to look forward to during the fleeting moments of their day.

Today when I got home I had a Beetle present itself to me... it was, unfortunately no longer alive but it's significance and meaning have stuck with me.... After referring to the Animal Speak book I recently purchased, it basically represents resurrection and metamorphosis, and I am totally IN THE PROCESS of dramatic POSITIVE changes in my life. I'm moving on to a new job... at the end of July is when I give my two weeks notice. I am going to talk to THIS dream boat man (talking to someone who is meant to be in your life & that you like should be easy. Even if it's in small steps.... when your body starts to tell you, with shaky hands.... then you know it ain't right.). I'm walking my path and IN THE PROCESS of figuring what energetic and atmospheric particles put me in this Universe to accomplish with my life as a human being...... something BEaUtiful, I know that much.. But then again everyone's path is uniquely beautiful. It's exciting knowing that you are following the direction of your Earth walk when you get reassurance from the Universe. Breath that in.....

I know it's a little scattered and perhaps a whole bunch of hoola, but it's written above as perfectly imperfect as it is. : )

It's glorious and absolutely enthralling. :)

Thursday 20 June 2013

Falcon encounter

Last year around this time I came across a precious being.... one of the Sky Nation... a flying spirit that soars beyond my wildest dreams (second to the Eagle in the height it could soar to)... This being reached out, and spoke to me. What it said would come to be known as language and feelings only meant to be between baby hawk and myself... BREATH it IN. 

Here are some photos and a video of that gorgeous day back in June of 2012....

And of course this lovely soul was present as well. I do not know the reason for it. But it was such a beautiful day and I am so thankful to her. For, if she wasn't  there I may not have seen baby hawk at all.... All I know is our paths were meant to cross. :) Perhaps I will cross paths with her again some day.


".... with power and creativity to that your words weave a web around those who would read them." -Ted Andrews, Animal Speak.

I'd just like to say thank you to all of you that are and have been reading my blog. Whether for comfort, entertainment, or just a good laugh, I am very grateful that individuals are listening to what I have to share, however far apart our worlds are. :)

Wednesday 19 June 2013

Thoughts of you keep on pervading my mind. Gosh you make me smile! :)

Tuesday 18 June 2013

You better believe he is worth it.

My day today and yesterday has been most exhilarating.

I have a new someone special in my life.... the other guy- Deren*, well I thought I liked him but I realized I do not have those feelings for him..... I barely even see the guy. How can I connect with him on ANy level if  he's hardly around?

Anyways,  on a different level and vibrational wave length, this one is something SUPER SPECIAL. He is kind. He is sweet. He is polite. His gentlemanly qualities add to his charm and his like-ability. He is a DREAM Boat. Every time I see him, my heart melts and I cannot for the life of me, stop smiling. I think he knows it. And I feel a connection, I am not sure what it is yet. Heck, I don't even know if he's got a girlfriend. But I definitely feel something..... MMMhhhhmmmm, breathe in that. His eyes are blue. His hair is a golden brown.... He has the smile of an angel and I am so excited to see him everyday. I look forward to it.

This is just a place I come to mull over my own thoughts and feelings.... Oh such sweet serenity. Bliss. :)

* name altered

Monday 17 June 2013

This is it.....

"The change that has been sweeping into your world is vital and significant. Its influence in your life has been all pervasive. With a clever and adaptable frame of mind you will succeed in making all the necessary adjustments. Maintain an attitude based on self-reliance and optimism, and you’ll find that an imminent encouraging development fills your heart with well-founded hope."

Thank you Phil Boothstars.

This week has been absolutely incredible, in all the good and bad ways...... that the Universe has willingly invited me into.

It is so heart warming and I m absolutely thrilled and excited to be a part of it all. It's all happening exactly the way it needs to. :)

Sunday 16 June 2013

I am alive!

The key.... aliveliness. I came across an email today that had that simple phrase in it.... I'm alive..... it made me think, feel good, made me feel positive energy coursing through my body, made me have a breath of fresh air and it was exactly what I needed. I'm alive. :)

Tuesday 11 June 2013

There are just about a million things swirling around in my head. First, I would like to start off and tell you the story of Friday the seventh, but then I think how irrelevant it all is now. After all that was about 4 days ago. While the occurrences of that day have brought me forward, none of what happened then matters anymore and for that there would be no point to my sharing of it's events.

All that I will mention is on that day I've thought and rethought about all the clever, cute ways that I would be able to entice you into saying "yes" to me asking you out. His name is Daren* btw..... I am putting that out there! I am sure I wouldn't have to put much effort in, I mean, who wouldn't say yes to spending more time with an amazing, awesome person, like myself? But then again, it seemed like our exchange was simply..... bleh. No words, just mediocre, plain, boring. But I would sincerely like to change that. Heck, I am going to change my life..... all in one! :) I'd just like you to be a part of it.

So here it is .... the BIG news. MY day TODAY was the most incredibly marvellous day I have had in such a long time, like SUCH a long time. I met this beautiful soul that just resonated with my soul and my energy, so MUCH!!!!! She is GORGEOUS! No need to say more..... but my head, my ego cannot stop chatting so this is what I need to say.

The Universe is great..... This Beautiful soul has a similar energy as my friend Angelica*, whom I consulted on with a few years ago, regarding something Sacred. K* is the name of this beautiful soul which I have just met, in this lifetime and she has shared with me some wonderful, and absolutely inviting information. Information and words that I have been waiting to hear. For my own happiness, for my own freedom, for my own sanity.... For my life, this life. And I am so Excited. I am eXcited, I am eXCited, I am EXCited, I am EXCIted, I am EXCITed, I am EXCITEd, I am EXCITED!!!!!!!! I am so excited for my very soul, from this day forward- June 11th, 2013.


I guess for the people reading this to understand what the big hoo-ha is about, I need to back up a little bit....... And share MORE. You'd like to hear it so let's go. At the beginning of this summer I was hell bent on earning money. Money I need to pay back OSAP by the end of next year. Really, I was intending to have that money earlier to get the debt I owe them out of the way. I do not like having things hanging over my head.... Unless it's a garland, which would actually be on my head, and not above it, but that's besides the point. So, Money.... to pay back OSAP. Little did I know this would soon launch me, into working 5 days a week for the next six weeks in A ROW and not really have time for myself, a girl needs her downtime... Especially a goddess like me. Since then, and this has been a few weeks in the making I had a realization that if I would like changes in my life, to get out of the blase, cafe job I currently have, start building a life for myself, one that I would enjoy, love and cherish, I would need to put my whole heart into making these changes happen for MYSELF. No matter what the cost, except if the cost was my sanity, haha.... Am I making sense or is this turning into a rant? I think the latter, but the former needs to be applicable for me to continue and so, such is the case.

I have been involved with Crystal's and Stone's for a good few years now and it has made my life so much more tolerable,  bearable, liveable and worthwhile. I cannot begin to share how much my soul has called out to all my crystal and stone friends and the aid and comfort their metaphysical properties have given me over the years... they are priceless pieces of myself that I love and adore with all my heart. Breathing in that energy now feels so good!

I think..... in fact, I feel with my whole being that that has launched me exactly to where I am now, on my path..... all the connections I've made with the people, the SOULS  within the Healing Arts, the light work that you, yourself have been called to be a part of....... I am so excited, I am so very excited!!!!! Life is a beautiful journey that is just waiting for you to reveal all the wonderful paths to yourself... Namaste. Love. Harmony. Light.

Mig'wech Universe, Mig'wech! :)

* name altered

Sunday 9 June 2013

There is so much I would like to share but for now.... Today is going to be a wonderful day! :) Go out and Enjoy it!

Wednesday 5 June 2013

This is Killing Me.... It really is.....

I've searched for you. Yes, I will admit it. I have. And no luck, every search has come up empty. And I'm relieved and yet disappointed. I am still persistent and curious to learn more about you. The Universe is great right and she has brought someone else into my life as well. No one ever knows where their path is going to lead, or to whom, or why individuals come into their lives, but surely there is always a reason.... So, what is the reason as to why you do not come in to the cafe? Is it because our world's are not to connect in the same way as I have envisioned? PLease, just let me know.

Perhaps, I am being selfish or negative, but I have absolutely no clue when it comes to you. And mystery is a wonderful thing. It is. In fact, it's incredible but this mystery is turning into a unwritten story to which I am losing patience for..... Believe me, I'd like to say I have all the patience in the world, but I get to a point where I just need answers. And it is my right.... so here are the questions I am posing to you... Was that girl you came into the cafe with that time your girlfriend? Do you like me? How old are you? - Some say age is not important, but it is only important to the point and degree that it corresponds with maturity and subsequently compatibility. Why do you not come into the cafe often? When is your convocation ceremony taking place? Would you like to hang out sometime? .... these are all questions that will help me decide for myself of whether or not you are right for me.... Although, I would just like to say with a gut-wrenching,  "oui, je t'aime." and let that be the end of it. I like you. Point. Blank. and Simple. You are constantly on my mind and I would love to see you more often than what I do. Such would be the case if we spent some time together and got to know one another.  I guess I will know soon enough! :)