Sunday 23 June 2013

The Weekend that I have had at my leisure....

Or so I would like to say, but truth be told. I have worked all weekend. I'm not exactly tired, I was earlier, but I am anticipating tomorrow. So, for that, I am excited because it means that after three days off, two days working, and five days without seeing my new crush... Dream Boat Man.

I can finally say that I will see him Monday and that is something for sure, to look forward.  :)

Today felt like Sunday, yet didn't. It was a weird day and that's okay.... I fully acknowledge and accept it.

I feel like I haven't written anything in a few days and so perhaps I am just filling space with this stuff, but you know... if the key fits, why not explore what's beyond the door it opens.

Speaking of which, I recently got a wind of some valuable information....  by one of my new favourite people in my life, my new boss.... Her and I were talking a little bit about the males in our lives and I shared the Dream Boat Man, and she lead me in the direction of asking for his name, I mean looking at this guy, first I was.... Not only speechless but floored and completely taken. He is the highlight of my day, when I see him.... and he is such a sweet heart, which makes the experience of looking at him that much more enjoyable. Breath that in. The thing too is his presence and knowing I will see him has partly drastically changed my mood for the better... as it is always pure bliss when one has something to look forward to during the fleeting moments of their day.

Today when I got home I had a Beetle present itself to me... it was, unfortunately no longer alive but it's significance and meaning have stuck with me.... After referring to the Animal Speak book I recently purchased, it basically represents resurrection and metamorphosis, and I am totally IN THE PROCESS of dramatic POSITIVE changes in my life. I'm moving on to a new job... at the end of July is when I give my two weeks notice. I am going to talk to THIS dream boat man (talking to someone who is meant to be in your life & that you like should be easy. Even if it's in small steps.... when your body starts to tell you, with shaky hands.... then you know it ain't right.). I'm walking my path and IN THE PROCESS of figuring what energetic and atmospheric particles put me in this Universe to accomplish with my life as a human being...... something BEaUtiful, I know that much.. But then again everyone's path is uniquely beautiful. It's exciting knowing that you are following the direction of your Earth walk when you get reassurance from the Universe. Breath that in.....

I know it's a little scattered and perhaps a whole bunch of hoola, but it's written above as perfectly imperfect as it is. : )

It's glorious and absolutely enthralling. :)

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