Tuesday 11 June 2013

There are just about a million things swirling around in my head. First, I would like to start off and tell you the story of Friday the seventh, but then I think how irrelevant it all is now. After all that was about 4 days ago. While the occurrences of that day have brought me forward, none of what happened then matters anymore and for that there would be no point to my sharing of it's events.

All that I will mention is on that day I've thought and rethought about all the clever, cute ways that I would be able to entice you into saying "yes" to me asking you out. His name is Daren* btw..... I am putting that out there! I am sure I wouldn't have to put much effort in, I mean, who wouldn't say yes to spending more time with an amazing, awesome person, like myself? But then again, it seemed like our exchange was simply..... bleh. No words, just mediocre, plain, boring. But I would sincerely like to change that. Heck, I am going to change my life..... all in one! :) I'd just like you to be a part of it.

So here it is .... the BIG news. MY day TODAY was the most incredibly marvellous day I have had in such a long time, like SUCH a long time. I met this beautiful soul that just resonated with my soul and my energy, so MUCH!!!!! She is GORGEOUS! No need to say more..... but my head, my ego cannot stop chatting so this is what I need to say.

The Universe is great..... This Beautiful soul has a similar energy as my friend Angelica*, whom I consulted on with a few years ago, regarding something Sacred. K* is the name of this beautiful soul which I have just met, in this lifetime and she has shared with me some wonderful, and absolutely inviting information. Information and words that I have been waiting to hear. For my own happiness, for my own freedom, for my own sanity.... For my life, this life. And I am so Excited. I am eXcited, I am eXCited, I am EXCited, I am EXCIted, I am EXCITed, I am EXCITEd, I am EXCITED!!!!!!!! I am so excited for my very soul, from this day forward- June 11th, 2013.


I guess for the people reading this to understand what the big hoo-ha is about, I need to back up a little bit....... And share MORE. You'd like to hear it so let's go. At the beginning of this summer I was hell bent on earning money. Money I need to pay back OSAP by the end of next year. Really, I was intending to have that money earlier to get the debt I owe them out of the way. I do not like having things hanging over my head.... Unless it's a garland, which would actually be on my head, and not above it, but that's besides the point. So, Money.... to pay back OSAP. Little did I know this would soon launch me, into working 5 days a week for the next six weeks in A ROW and not really have time for myself, a girl needs her downtime... Especially a goddess like me. Since then, and this has been a few weeks in the making I had a realization that if I would like changes in my life, to get out of the blase, cafe job I currently have, start building a life for myself, one that I would enjoy, love and cherish, I would need to put my whole heart into making these changes happen for MYSELF. No matter what the cost, except if the cost was my sanity, haha.... Am I making sense or is this turning into a rant? I think the latter, but the former needs to be applicable for me to continue and so, such is the case.

I have been involved with Crystal's and Stone's for a good few years now and it has made my life so much more tolerable,  bearable, liveable and worthwhile. I cannot begin to share how much my soul has called out to all my crystal and stone friends and the aid and comfort their metaphysical properties have given me over the years... they are priceless pieces of myself that I love and adore with all my heart. Breathing in that energy now feels so good!

I think..... in fact, I feel with my whole being that that has launched me exactly to where I am now, on my path..... all the connections I've made with the people, the SOULS  within the Healing Arts, the light work that you, yourself have been called to be a part of....... I am so excited, I am so very excited!!!!! Life is a beautiful journey that is just waiting for you to reveal all the wonderful paths to yourself... Namaste. Love. Harmony. Light.

Mig'wech Universe, Mig'wech! :)

* name altered

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