Thursday 27 June 2013


Sometimes I feel I divulge too much of my life with you and you not the same with me.... It hurts. We are sisters we need to be close. And I get that you are still in the certain mental space that you are, which may or may not permit you to welcome me into your life, but patience..... some days it's really hard.....What I'd like to ask is why it takes so long? (for a lot of things, but for now) Why does it take so long for you to come back to the open sister that I know?

I know it's a long shot for having such a request- an expectation, especially since, you are working on not being so open, yet I am lost at trying to understand why it is okay for others to be open with their life, what they buy, what they do in a day and the same is not applied to you????

I love you sis, but sometimes I need to know that you are there to be the talking kindred spirit that I know you are. Yes, in this society we have been conditioned yet again and accustomed to people talking, talking and talking that when there is silence, it is deemed awkward, or unwelcomed. There is a time and a place though I feel and when it comes to relationships... aLL sORts, siblings, friends, lovers/partners, it is ALWAYS a two way street.

It seemed like when I was sharing my day with you and then asked how yours was you mentioned one thing and got up and left the room... somewhat leaving me out on a cliff, wondering if you were going to come back and share more, or if that was it... Looks like it was the latter and I just got left out on the cliff to pull myself back up like I usually do. Breath that in. Strength and Power.


On an entirely new note.. Absolutely excited for tomorrow. two days off and I get to see Ted*. :)

* name changed

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