Friday 20 June 2014

transforming the dark to light.. becoming the butterfly.

Today feels like a good day to write... I haven't written anything in a really long time and for those that have found this blog and read it regularly, or an infrequent basis, or have stumbled on it and are reading it for the first time. Thank you. Even though no comments have been made i do appreciate the readership.

So, it's been about a few months since my last post and I've been feeling a lot of changes, some gradual, some eventual, but changes nonetheless and with that comes adjustment, and the death and rebirth cycle of many patterns of mine that have been discovered, and need to be released from my BEing, as I no longer need them... Yet, recalling what I recently heard not necessarily even shedding them, but looking at them in a new light, a different perspective and allowing myself to reclaim all the parts of me that I've come to realize are parts of my darkness.

We all have darkness and we all have light. One cannot have one without the other. It is important that we REclaim these parts (the dark) of ourselves  and allow them to transform from the chrysalis to the butterfly... doing this requires gentle love and shifting our conscious from lower- seeing our negative attributes as parts of ourselves to be overcome and obliterated, to higher consciousness- seeing our darknesses and transforming them to lightness. Here is a video I watched that helped me understand this concept

I am in a process right now of death and rebirth. It is constant and it is time consuming, but it is medicine and so needed. I would like to get to where I know I need to be and I am aware that I am exactly where I need to be at this time, however it feels like I have been in a place for such a long time drawing out all that is good with me. At times it is really hard to be your best all of the time and to stay on a high, as opposed to the low that I feel I have been coasting on for a long while now. In due time I will reach the shores of my awakening, but it is the route and passage that matter most, as the experience is in the journey itself.

I hope that this has been what it needs to be for some and for myself as well.

In love and in light.

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