Monday 8 June 2015

This is my outlet...

to let the world know... a small fragment of the world know, what's been on my mind... So here it goes. People, some people, are so fuckin' annoying... Maybe it's me and my perception of things, I am not going to name names due to privacy purposes and in about a year's time, maybe even a few days time, these feelings will no longer be present in my BEing, or perhaps not as potent! Yet I feel the need to confess, to convey, to express myself and that is, when someone sends you a message, via facebook, online emails, a letter, anything... return the line of communication back to them, so the circle is complete. Even if it's just to say, "I have received your message I will respond later (* giving a time frame may be helpful)". Simple, yes? I think so.

How come courtesy seems to be lost in this regard then? I seriously do not get it!

Understandable that everyone has their life and not everyone has time like others, like myself, to sit down and write a message out in response to someone else,' yet c'mon... Please! :)

This is one of my BIGGEST pet peeves in fact! I am respectful and I value my friendships, the people I communicate with... This apparently, seems to be a rarity and one in which I have yet to, both understand and accept. Maybe I need to surrender to whatever is and let things be as they are! :)

Given advances in technology, one can learn when someone has viewed a message, so it becomes a nuisance to know that someone has seen your contact with them, yet does not respond.

Oh well, whatever the will of the Universe is.

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