Friday 10 June 2011

Jealousy is often associated with qualities in another that you yourself are lacking or want to have, or because you are threatened by someone elses' accomplishments when you compare them to your own. But is jealousy inextricably always linked to relationships and the potential prospect of someone coming between your partner and yourself ???  And, because you are jealous of someone else does that mean that you are afraid of them having what you don't or taking away from what you do have???? Why is it that females seem to be the targets of such feelings more so then males??? Is it more common for females then males and is that why the spotlight is on women as opposed to men?

Since jealousy is such a powerful emotion (if you let it) it can also make it that much easier to find faults in those we are jealous of. In order to make ourselves feel better..... why is that? We have to criticize others to make ourselves feel more self secure?

Oh, the perils of human nature or is it just my nature?!?

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