Tuesday 10 March 2015

The Said and Unsaid: the written.

So you like photos, but not my actual page? That's super nice (sarcasm). Especially considering you're a "friend" too, supposed to be. Maybe it's you and your aversion to facebook and social media and living online in general that you prefer to not engage in- hence you not liking pages. Either way, I cannot say I am a fan! And why is this anyway? I don't need your approval, or validation from you that what I am doing is cool, or awesome or bloody fantastic! It is! I already know that! I understand you like to experience life and I feel I almost, if not did, hit a cord with you yesterday (In a way that is experiencing life.. a part of it anyway). When I was honest and told you the truth about my feelings... It's nothing personal and I would hope that you recognize that. I also need to recognize that here....And know that you are being you. I accept that, or at the very least I acknowledge it.

It's important to have the freedom to express oneself, verbally without judgement or fear of consequence in any and ALL relationships. Perhaps, that is supposing this world is a perfect one, which it sure is not!  Maybe the delivery wasn't the greatest but I mean really??? How could it have not been. We left on good terms. We hugged, although I will admit it felt like an insincere hug, kinda dead.  And now it feels like things have changed between us... I could feel it after my sharing... and if I didn't share, I would be subject to living in denial... I have already done this in too many areas of my life, I don't need to have it be done in another one too. Perhaps I am reading far too much into this AGAIN and I really do need to let it be what it is... Instead of trying to shift it... accept what is Natasza. Let it be. IF you have anything further to say or think that things were left unsaid on your part. I implore you, let me know.

I also will share quite openly that there are those individuals that suck information out of you. They may do it either purposefully or unpurposefully. It must have been a pattern they picked up, likely in childhood. While their intention may not be necessarily bad ones... it's not the greatest thing to have happen to you either.This is how I felt with you... There are certain things that don't really need to be said, but I feel like I share too openly and divulge too much of myself...Maybe it's out of a need to satisfy your curiosity, in hopes that that will bring us closer, or in hopes that you will like me more... I don't like it when people don't like me... what's not to like? I have a good heart, I am a kind Soul, I am easy on the eyes, I have an open mind, solid and growing conscientiousness. But yesterday it felt like there was no filter on me, when sharing and I did not like this. Gotta learn to have less disclosure.

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