Thursday 31 July 2014

Being your own boss is..... ROCKS!

So, I've thought about this one long and hard... no sexual innuendos please!

There are so many reasons why being your own boss is great. Here are some of my reasons as I take steps toward sole proprietorship.

1.) You get to set your own hours, which means late mornings- one can sleep in until 11 (yes please!), late nights - one can work until 2am, this is mostly if you have a creativity stream going and things are flowing through you and need their time to flow, early mornings- one can start as soon as they wake up, if they wish, several days of your choosing, off, in a row can be had- one can take a road trip, or take some time to enjoy Nature; bike trails, creature teachers, the wonderful woRks that Mother Earth has to offer! BLISS!

2.) You can work in your home office... at home in your pj's sipping coffee or tea in your favourite mug, while listening to your favourite music... whatever that may be. AWESOME!

3.) All the money, time, energy, effort, all go toward you and your business. This means that if you have a problem, you make a decision to fix it, oneself. POWER!

4.) Since you are your own boss you have the power, to control what you can about your business. You are in charge and that feels pretty darn incredible! :) HAPPINESS!

5.) The interview is eliminated; the nervousness one feels during the spontaneous asking of questions that best qualify you for the position you are applying for is not present, therefore one can feel more at ease. LIGHT!

I realize that I am creating the space currently for myself in moving forward in achieving this endeavour, yet these are key points that I felt needed to be shared, as they have been on my mind lately.

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