Friday 19 July 2013


.... today was most wonderful. I was working on my room, the redecoration home project I am currently committed to. I was removing some of the tile that was left since the last time I practically finished ripping up the tile and I cut myself. the corner of one of the tile's tore into my right index finger.... tearing the skin back..... kinda reminded me of the keyloid scar I have on my right elbow, except a significantly smaller version of it. ..... I didn't mind.... I was thinking, "Oh, a permanent memory of my hard work and effort that went into accomplishing my room, how nice." It also made me recall someone at the yoga centre I used to attend regularly, tell me, "it's just a body.... only temporary." But the thing with that is, I would still like to have all my hands and fingers in tact regardless of the impermanence of my body.

Later today:
I was working at my new job, with K*, the coolest Goddess I have had the privilege of meeting and coming in connection with yet. Thank you Universe. :)

We got rained on, or rained in, to be more correct. She was going through some tough tribulations with men as of late and well, while discussing the events that transpired during the day, I let it slip that "I have Ted*" when we were discussing our vibrations and how others are completely drawn to us and the vibration we hold and carry.... I told her, "I have Ted* (... in my life was to be the end of that sentence)" and then she was like, "well, you don't have him, but I know what you mean". And she is right because I do not HAVE him, nor does he HAVE me. HAVE... that word and term connotes possession, and neither him, nor I can possess the other.... we ARE and that is it. We are connected.... undoubtedly; he is HIM and I, me. There is nothing else.... But dEAR Universe, you know that already right? ANd you also know what I meant when I said, 'I have Ted*'.  I of course do not desire nor have any inclination to "have" Ted*. So, cancel, cancel, cancel that. I just like him a lot and look forward to us getting to know each other better, spend some quality time with one another and learn and grow together from there. :) (on my way home) This fragment of my day actually reminded me of a quote I read and took a picture of from inside a bathroom stall at a quaint coffee house in Kensington.... about a month or so back....

"Love is not expectation of giving and receiving. Love is not giving everything you have to another. It is about accepting the free flowingness of generosity and healthy self-containment without fear, without overgrowth of neither exceedingly good or exceedingly bad exertion of energy. It is embracing your emotional core and seeing it as a gift to yourself. Something to understand and nurture. Another's love cannot control you, nor yours them"

That is it Universe. For someone who strongly values language and words, as they are so incredibly powerful, I need to be more careful with the words I use, especially when it comes to the special person TED*, who I adore and who I have found situated right in my heart. :)

On my bike ride back home, I got asked by my heart of hearts to go through Trinity Bellwoods, I did. And the Universe presented me with more treats. I was veering off of exiting the Park, when one of my animal totems, Cooper's Hawk, a baby was calling out.... I no sooner get to the base of the tree where the nest was and one of the parents come swooping in.... So beautiful!!!!! And after I left and proceeded up the street to College, I needed to turn due to police cars blocking off the street and what greets me???? A whisping, weeping Willow tree- the Goddess tree of LOVE. Yes please. such a gorgeous day, just gorgeous, INDEED!!!! Stunner!

breath it all in..... today's adventures were exquisite.

* name altered

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