Thursday 18 July 2013


This week has been a real, planetarily shifted week. Information I just learned, but it's been weird and great all at the same time.

At the beginning of this week I was like, "okay, I can do this".... continue to work that is... But the other day I got a whim of my manager actually leaving the cafe location I do work at, sooner than I had anticipated. I actually was completely misguided, or had misunderstood what she meant when she said she was no longer going to be manager. My understanding was that she would be an employee like I and the rest of my level, coworkers. But to be honest, that would make no sense at all. So, I was like, "Okay, I need to shift my schedule of resigning around" ie. to make it sooner! The past couple of days really proliferated those feelings.... I have been in such disarray and irritated to the MAX- to the point where I can no longer contain those feelings. I need to release them!

Through no fault of my own, simply because I have HAD it..... I am DONE, DONE with serving coffee, DONE with dealing with a whole variety of people that are on different vibrational wave lengths, rightly their own paths, some who I love to see and will most definitely be difficult to say good bye to, (ALL my regulars), but most of who simply do not resonate with me. "Natasza, it's time! " I laugh quite a bit and try to make it something of light heartedness, to serve coffee for 6-8 hours, four days in a row, but sometimes it is SO difficult. Especially when some people are so UNAWARE and, for lack of a better word, and perhaps this may kick me in the ass later, since we all come from the same Source- Creator God and therefore are ONE. But some people are complete idiots. And it gets to me.... I feel like screaming and shaking them, "What are you doing.... WAKE UP!!!!!!!"  But, alas, such is not the reality, it is them who need to wake up their own selves and not by my timing.

I have a coworker, who I adore. She is sweet and works hard, her name is Isabelle*. Isabelle* is not from Canada, she has an accent and can sometimes not understand when people talk in English to her. I have said a few things to her and just ended up saying, "Nevermind" because I am SICK and TIRED of repeating myself.... I do it enough and if someone doesn't hear me the first time, TOO BAD. She ended up saying that I was "Rude" because of this. At first I was offended, perhaps even insulted, but than I was like... "Let go of the need to control"- my mantra for the rest of the Summer. A few close friends have told me this one. And it's good because I told myself there is no need to make a bIG deal of someone's opinion. I don't think it's rude. I mean I am only going to. Let it go, let it go, Let it go. Just let things BE. And so, woRds, but woRds that have all been very beneficial.

Deep breath....

* name altered

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