Thursday 19 September 2013

A Note on Best-friendships

Disclaimer: These are my thoughts and freedom of expression allows me to write what I have written. If anyone is offended those are not my intentions.

Hmmm. I am writing here today because of the type of feelings I've been having lately.... Ever since a few days ago I have been feeling lonelish. I would not like to say definitively, LONE---LY. But what really sparked this feeling was my friend, whom I adore. I met her while away in PEI and she recently posted a "22 reasons your best friend is your significant other" on one of her best friends walls on facebook.

There is a lot of hogwash out there, this not being one of them (although this too, to some extent still needs to be taken with a grain of salt) but with facebook there is almost always that need to see what others are up to and what is going on in other peoples' lives.... this hit home for me, simply because I don't have a best friend yet. I thought a little as to why it bothered me, or instantly affected me, after seeing said article. And that was the reason.... I don't have a best friend YET. keyword: yet. I have thought about this for some time now and truth be told, I've always thought of my future husband being my best friend. Point. Blank. And Simple.

There's nothing really further to say except there is no point to be jealous of those who have this type of relationship already.... because just because one does not have it now, doesn't mean that they will not have it at all.

I'm really excited about a new adventure to begin with someone. Chi-mig-wetch Universe. :)

Based on what I've written regarding loneliness, there is this quote that is very fitting (see below), just because if you're alone that doesn't necessarily translate into lonliness, it can be the one thing you need to do for yourself, to help bring your BEing into alignment- it's a blessing. In our society, we are conditioned to believe that we need to be in public, engaging with people 24/7 and that is insanity... Being alone is a wonderful thing. Sometimes, when we do let our thoughts pervade our minds and focus on loneliness, it can be unwelcomed and unpleasant. However, even that is something to be embraced.

This photo is copywritten to

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