Monday 23 September 2013


Today is SOME day, huh?

All the changes I am going through I am starting to feel..... a little more and more, as time goes on....

I know mulling over my own thoughts is a terrible thing to do especially when they seem to take you to the deep intricacies of your own mind and those places can be very dark.... But one of the gifts is teaching me to absorb into these feelings, so I can be absolved from them, freed, liberated...

I feel a little caught up in my own dullness, a good thing for the time being expect, I need to actually start studying for a midterm exam I have Friday, before I continue to drone on like this......

It isn't entirely bad I'm sure. After all everything has a purpose right?

I'm listening to the same song, it's been playing over and over for the past half hour and I know that things are.... they just ARE....

I'm smiling as I write this because there are so many feelings coming to the surface, that only truly deserve to be shared with the Universe.

But Torture of the High Seas, an entry I did not complete with reasons I had decided upon before,  well I did the same thing I did that day, again about 5 minutes ago... I don't know why we, females or even people in this day and age in general, have a tendency to torture ourselves over the previous involvements of the people we now care about, or would like to claim we care so deeply for.... Why do humans feel the need to feel jealousy, or anger?

this doesn't make sense to me..... I respect people's pasts as they have only brought them further in their journey on this Earth, so why am I thinking it such a big deal to check out someone's profile on fBook. Who I don't even know? C'mon Natasza you are totally better than that... You are Amazing and it doesn't take long for anyone to see that.... why try to intentionally bring yourself down????

Not to mention we are all one.... and whatever you find you do not like in another just means it is something you have not come to terms with within yourself....  I'm not jealous.... I am just feeling a whole lot more than I have been. This is a good thing, as I have somewhat been lacking in that department......

One of my go-to songs... Do It For Me Now, by Angels and Airwaves, Tom DeLong's voice... wow... it could make Queens fall. A Little's Enough is another fantabulous song! :)

Feel today and all days to follow!

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