Saturday 5 March 2011

Blogging is far better then wasting my time on facebook, doing absolutely nothing but wishing certain people were thinking of me.....
So let me re-post some of my notes from facebook, on here...... Again, I am horrible and not really willing to concentrate on anything but procrastination related activities.

1.) It's scary to think where I'll be in five years..... seriously I have absolutely no idea and not knowing is probably one of the scariest things.

2.) Music is therapy!!!

3.) In order for me to open up to you, I have to be comfortable with you..... I have to respect you. Something that is pretty simple for me to do, given the type of person I am.

4.) I value my family and friends tremendously.


6.) I'm a thinker; always analyzing; a situation, a person, an action. It's what I do and it can literally make me go MAD..... over-exaggerating, underestimating, thinking way too much of something that is actually nothing. 

7.) I don't know a lot; politics, philosophy, sports, astronomy, science, geography, art, you name it, I only know a limited amount, not as much as I need to.

8.) It takes a lot for a movie to make me laugh, and yet I laugh at nearly every stupid, weird ass thing you can think of. I have a very strange sense of humour. Not like anyone else's you've ever met. Guaranteed. 

9.) I would absolutely love to travel the world...... the important parts.

10.) I'm ashamed not to know how to speak Spanish fluently, that I don't know enough about Toronto, that I am horrible with directions, and that I have very little, as compared to some people, life experience.

11.) I can live 9 months without TV, not internet, not movies, not music, not facebook (yes, i am an addict), Television!!!!

12.) I have proudly watched every episode of friends, probably more then twice. :)

13.) I'm a dog person, but I've never owned one.

14.) I think I have far too many beauty marks on my face....... (why are they called beauty marks anyway????)

15.) I have a double "bed", actually its a futon, and I only sleep on one side of it, Often with a pile of clothes, hahaha.

16.) I am extremely sensitive, comes with being a cancer.

17.) I do not take constructive critisism, at all well!!!! so if you have something negative to say to me, better make it sound as nice as possible. =)

18.) If I could have any super power in the universe, it would be one of three; 1, to read people's minds; 2, to heal or 3, to transport anywhere. Any or all would be truly amazing to have. =)

19.) I was born in the summer time, but my favourite seasons are the spring and the fall. I love the wind, the rain, the pretty flowers and the colourful changing leaves. Summer rain is so romantic.

20.) I am sentimental.... very sentimental. I keep things that mean the world to me, I have a full keepsake box, complete with clothing, old journals, cards and small other meaningful knick knacks. =)

21.) I love food, but I can't cook, I can bake, and am not patient enough with bread. Sometimes my muffins turn out half raw too. YUM.

22.) I would not be able to be a teacher, the first thing I thought I wanted to be growing up, because I would pick favourites and have those kids get the highest marks...... awful I know!

23.) When I die I want to be cremated and spread in the ocean. Which ocean, or body of water? I have to travel more to find out.

24.)I take a super long time to tell a story, because I'm that detailed, so when I'm telling you something, you better make sure you have time, cuz the conversation could last a while! Unless I am trying to be quick. Sometimes people don't like to hear me go on and on and on. 

25.) One of my biggest pet peeves is when someone asks "how are you?" and the person asked, doesn't answer. It's called human decency. FUCKIN' USE IT. 

It also really bugs me, when I'm working with someone and their shift is over before mine, and they don't say "bye". Although I myself don't do this, I really try. 

25 things my ass, more like 35..........

26.) I don't drive, no car, don't know if I plan on getting one, or my license, I like riding my bike. Maybe I'll consider an M and M1, for an electric bike, vespa, or motorcycle.

27.) My brother and I are like two peas in a pod; so much a like, although he may tell you differently.

28.) I have no real knowledge of technology, just the basics, its all I need, no real interest there either. I am counting down the days when my two year plan is up and so I no longer have a cell phone. I like being untraceable. =)

29.) I like little forms of art, like doodling when I'm bored and swirling around the foam in lattes, with sticks. One of the things I miss the most about working in a restaurant. 

30.) Everything is always easier said then done.... just because you plan on doing something doesn't mean you will actually end up doing it, nothing turns out the way you plan..... it can either turn out for the better, or for the worst. Its a statement I believe in.

31.) I've experimented a few times with cigarettes. 

32.) I love waking up in the morning to the sunshine or light streaming in my bedroom window. Usually means I'm going to have a good day.

33.) I've never had a bleeding nose in my life, I don't know if that's a good thing, but hopefully I'll never get one either.

34.) I try not to care so much, but it's in my nature to.

35.) My sister is the closest person to me, it's not that hard to see if you know me. Hahaha I always talk about her.  =)

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