Saturday 5 March 2011

SINCE 2010 began Have you.....:

Had a boyfriend: Nope
Had your birthday: Yes absolutely =)
Been to church: Not since three and a half years passed
Had someone close to you pass: Never, fortunately. My friend is going through that, she knows I'm there for her!
Pulled an all nighter: YES.
Drank Tim Horton's Soup: Never, yuck.
Gone to the movies: YES, several times, most recently saw The Eagle, Jamie Bell is such a hun-nay.
Been to the beach: Almost.
Met someone new: Always =)
Been out of your home town: Yes, a few times
Done something crazy: Wild and spontaneous.....YES.
Thought about moving: When rough times come a knockin, yes!
In The Past Month -------.. Kissed someone: yes
Madeout with someone: yes
Slept in someone else bed: yup.
Snuck out of your own house: I don't need to.
Been to a bar: yes
Drove somewhere: nope, don't have a car yet.
Done something you regret: No regrets.
Last -------.. Person you kissed: 
Thing you bought: Book
Person you hugged: My mom.
Person to call you: A friend..... a phone is kinda 86ed in my life.
Person who messaged you: Melinda! 
Time you took a bubble bath: haha I haven't had one of those since forever ago
Time you felt stupid: Umm..... when I was looking something up, on the net. While reading Philosophy articles for my Ideas essay
Time you walked a mile: I walk a lot of miles, for a lot of people that just don't recognize it. =(
Person who saw you cry: My mom.
Person who made you cry: myself..... feelings of happiness, feelings of sadness, Emotional roller coaster right now.
Person you danced with: A HOT STRANGER at the club Saturday night............. hahaha just kidding don't dance with anyone 
Person you yelled at: Hmm, yelled at? Can't remember.... oh wait a minute. My mom.
Person to make you smile: A friend, a new friend and another friend.
Song you listened to: Kelly Clarkson, Don't let me stop you.

Thing you did yesterday:Slept, ate, walked, sent a letter/package, notes, read.

1) Can you take this without deleting any questions? Yes
2) What's going on between you and the last person you kissed? To be honest, I don't know.
3) What was your worst mistake in your life? Dont know. I've made a lot of mistakes. But they've made me grow.
4) What's something you really want right now, be honest: I want infinite happiness, includes many things. =) Achievable? Some day.
5) Last time you had butterflies in your stomach? Reading week.
6) Does anything on your body hurt right now? Not, particularly
7) Who was the last person to disappoint you? Disappointment? No one this year, so far.
8) Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with? Angie! Gotta love girl talk
9) What are you listening to? Kelly
10) What's a quote from a song that you are listening to? "I used to be a little bit shy, kept my deepest feelings inside. Speaking up to you about my emotions has always been hard, this just can't wait. Tonight I feel a little bit brave. SO why am I going to let another day pass without you explaining what we are, this is going to sound a little silly, but I couldn't help but notice....."
12) Do you know someone in jail? I did and still do.
13) What about in DGA? No
14) Where were you at 2:00am? My bed, sleeping
15) Whats your favourite colour? Don't have one.
16) Have you ever made a wish and it came true? Never make wishes.
17) Do you wear glasses? Yes, unfortunately
18) Anywhere you'd rather be right now? Yes, of course. 
19) Are you going anywhere for the next summer? Nope, staying here, hoping to earn money and go to school.
20) Do you have plans today? READ
21) Waiting for someone to call? Nope, I don't expect people's calls, reflex to answer the phone right away when someone, rarely, does.
22) Will you call them if they dont call? Nope.
23) What's a fact about the last person who had their arms around you? My mom, known her since the beginning of my life. =)
24) Where did you get the shirt you are wearing? My dad got it for me at a fraction of the price.
25) Could you go a day without eating? Yes. 
26) Do you know anyone that smokes weed? Yes, who doesn't know someone?
27) How was your day today? Slow, sad, good and bad.
28) Have you ever kissed a stranger? Seemingly a stranger.
29) Do your parents force you to go to church or let you make the decision? They don't go to church, I don't go to church it's not a decision that really has to be made.
30) what color socks are you wearing? Grey
31) Where is the furthest place you've traveled? South America.
32) Can you do the splits? Not now, more flexibility is needed.
33) What was the last alcohol drink you drank? Wine 
35) Does your ex miss you? They can't.
36) Does anyone love you? Yes. 
37) How has the week been? Alright
38) Does the last person you shared a bed with mean anything to you? No!

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