Sunday 12 May 2013

Coolness in the air again...

So today, instead of going for a run, I ate a butter tart, went for a bike ride to my favourite little cafe on the Dupont Strip- Ezra's Pound and bought myself an americano doubleé style avec une brownie delicéux. I didn't end up eating my brownie, in fact, it is still in my bag.... but it's just one of those days you feel like curling up on the couch with a warm blanket, a hot cup of tea, and a book or your favourite movie...

Anyways, it was a nice start to the day... and I decided to get back into the fixing up of my room that I started a redecoration project on last summer. There is so much involvement and dedication needed to complete it. I will with time. I, like my dad started one job and got distracted by starting another job. In relation to the room, I was filling holes in the wall with drywall compound, I got side tracked and started stripping the tiles off the floor. These are really antiquated floor tiles, they are so grimy and dull looking. The glue is coming undone beneath them, which makes them especially easy to strip away. There is this gorgeous hard wood floor that, with a little buff and polish, would look beautiful. I have to conceal my work on the floor though, with the hideous carpet in the room. I have to finish the walls first. 

So excited to get it done, or rather, to continue my project. :) 

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