Tuesday 28 May 2013

There are TWO, TWO segments to this day.

First I will share my morning, in all it's glory with you (few) readers- thank-you btw.

OKay, so first things first. I was in a great mood this morning, scratch that WoNDERfuL mood, this morning. I was singing Hare Krishna on my bike ride commute to work. And I was just loving it, loving life, happy. EVERYTHING good and positive. That kind of energy was radiating from me.

Well into my morning while folding the box of chocolate chip cookies that had been emptied because of my replenishing of them on the respective tray at my work. I pinched my arm, causing a bruise to develop rapidly. Almost like a blood blister, extremely tender and extremely painful. I was still in a good mood.

SO that happened, in addition to me burning myself with scalding water, and scalding coffee.... to the point of tears. My mood was slowly changing for the worse by the early afternoon. In other words, I needed my break and after coming back from it my manager tells me that one of the openers could be relieved. I jumped at the opportunity.  I quickly asked Lori if I could leave and she said it was okay with her, so thankfully, my day at work ended earlier than I had anticipated and I was appreciative for such an occurrence.

I left work early then and started to hunt down a top-notch quality butter tart for my cousin who has NEVER tried one. He was in town for a short while and leaving later on that evening. After visiting several cafe's with no luck I stumbled upon the Chai bar on Dupont. Popped inside for a brief moment, or what I was intending to be a brief moment, but turned out to be ten brief minutes. They did not have any butter tarts for sale but the baristo behind the counter made me feel 110% more cheerful than I was already. Making conversation, being friendly and sweet and CHARMING, he was good looking too, but that's besides the point. He introduced himself as "Pat" which because of my nose being plugged and my ears not hearing so well because of that, sounded like "Ed". We joked about it a little bit and then I was off, not before tipping him for the "service" he had just provided to me. Such a wonderful being that one was. I was in a good mood for practically the rest of the day.

Just feeling good in general and then the afternoon followed... dun, dun, dun.

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